5th Grade Science

Course Description

Greeting parents and students,
I hope you have found this page well.  This will be a central location to find everything pertaining to 5th grade science for the time being.  Google Classroom is what we will be using moving forward as we are in this period of distance learning.  In order to access Google Classroom students will need to login to their google accounts.  Make sure you click "link data" so all of your extensions work.  Also if you are working on your phone you can download the google classroom app to access your classes. 
Below you will find information for Google Classroom, Remind, and my email address.   
Link to Google Classroom: classroom.google.com. After you login click the + at the top right of the screen to join a class. 
Google Classroom Code: n3qsnho
Remind: Text @92dhh4 to 81010
Below you will find videos with instructions on how to use and sign in to both Google Chrome and Google Classroom. 
If you have any questions feel free to shoot me an email.  I will be glad to help! 
Coach Cedillo