Professional Communication-8th Period Assignments

McKaela Thompson
2020-2021 School Year
High School
Class code for google classroom (bc75km5) Please have this code ready to enter to join the class. Please make sure you are entered into your school google account ([email protected]) to sign up. If you are a parent, you may use any google account.

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Past Assignments


Famous Failures in Google Classroom

Famous Failures


Guided Reading 4-1 in Google Classroom

Guided Reading 4-1


TED Talk Critique  in Google Classroom

TED Talk Critique

Visit the TED Talk website. After viewing the topic list, select a topic you are interested. You will choose a TED Talk video to view and critique.


Career Research Presentation in Google Classroom

Career Research Presentation

Your next presentation will be over your future career interest. You have the option to create a powerpoint, posture, or brochure. You are also allowed to write a research paper if you prefer.

All of the requirements are outlined in detail in the attached document. Send me a private comment informing me of which medium you have selected to complete your research.


Persuasive Speech  in Google Classroom

Persuasive Speech

Create a powerpoint with a minimum of 10 slides. This presentation should follow the guidelines in the assignment sheet.


Guided Reading 4-1 in Google Classroom

Guided Reading 4-1

Fill in the blank with specific information according to what you read in section 1. You can type your answers into the "4-1 Answer log" document. All you have to do is download the docx file to edit.


Persuasive Speech Outline in Google Classroom

Persuasive Speech Outline

Begin by outlining your topic and sources.


TED Talk Summary in Google Classroom

TED Talk Summary

Visit On this site you will view a TED Talk of your choosing. Use the questions provided to guide you through summarizing the TED Talk you have chosen.