3C Reading Class-3C Assignments

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History Practice and Review in Google Classroom

History Practice and Review

Distance learners, 
Remember you are supposed to be reading 15 minutes a day on Epic until the end of school. This will be a grade. Looking at book options does not count in the time for Epic.

Please make sure that you got the argumentative retake test done to help improve your score.

Then do the google form that is below.


Argumentative Test in Google Classroom

Argumentative Test

Please retake this test to help improve your score.


 Escape the Zoo (Online try again) in Google Classroom

Escape the Zoo (Online try again)

You are going to be using a lot of critical thinking to figure out how to get out of the zoo. Look at what the person is saying, is anything bold, highlighted, or capitalized.
Hint: D=down, L=left, R=right, and U for up (it is case sensitive)

Please attach a picture or screenshot of your congratulations after you complete the escape room on the google doc below.


 Escape Room (In-person Students only) in Google Classroom

Escape Room (In-person Students only)

You will need to use all the strategies and tools we have learned this year to land the plane before it runs out of gas. Good luck!
-Unfortunately, online students you will not be able to do this because you need some things from the classroom.


Monopoly Agrees Girls Matter Article in Google Classroom

Monopoly Agrees Girls Matter Article


Were dragons ever real? in Google Classroom

Were dragons ever real?

Watch the video and then answer the questions.


Dragon Questions in Google Classroom

Dragon Questions

Please answer the questions about Mystery Doug. Be sure to write in complete sentences.


Friday: Context Clue in Google Classroom

Friday: Context Clue

1. Read for 15 min on Epic
2. Do the context clue form
3. Read How Astronauts  throw away trash


Thursday: SS United States Sails Again in Google Classroom

Thursday: SS United States Sails Again

1. Read the SS. United Stated.

2. Answer the reading questions in the presentation.
3. Make sure that Studies weekly 25 is done and you took the quiz.
4. Read on Epic for 15 min.


Wednesday: What Could You Sculpt From Snow in Google Classroom

Wednesday: What Could You Sculpt From Snow

1. Read the article.
2. Do the reading questions in the presentation.
3. Read 15 min on Epic.
4. Finish Studies Weekly 25.


Tuesday: How Washington did his Hair in Google Classroom

Tuesday: How Washington did his Hair

1. Read how George Washington did his hair by clicking the link below.
2. Answer the reading questions in the presentation below.
3. Read for 15 minutes on Epic.
4. Read and make sure you do the quiz for Studies Weekly 25. It is do on Thursday by 3:45.


Monday's Work: Jumping Donkey in Google Classroom

Monday's Work: Jumping Donkey

1. Read, "Jumping Donkey Leaps to Fame."
2. Answer the questions the the presentation below.
3. Read EVERY school day on Epic for 15 min. I can see the amount of time you are actually reading.


Flamingo Questions: in Google Classroom

Flamingo Questions:

Please reread, "Why do Flamingos Stand on One Leg." Then go through and answer the questions.
Remember to read on Epic for fifteen minutes.


Read "Why do Flamingos Stand on one Leg." in Google Classroom

Read "Why do Flamingos Stand on one Leg."

Remember you also need to be reading 15 minutes a day on Epic. Many of you are forgetting to do this each day.
Click on the link below to read the article. You will have to answer the questions posted later about it.


Reading Context Clues and Root Words in Google Classroom

Reading Context Clues and Root Words

Remember you need to be reading on epic 15 minutes a day.

Root words are the base word.
EX: In brightly, the base word is bright. 


What day are you coming in to do MAPS testing? Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday? in Google Classroom

What day are you coming in to do MAPS testing? Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday?


Studies Weekly in Google Classroom

Studies Weekly

Listen to Studies Weekly 24 and take the quiz.


Beary Unusual Pet Quiz in Google Classroom

Beary Unusual Pet Quiz

Make sure that you have read the play first before you do the quiz. You can also have the play open and go back and forth between the play and quiz.


Epic Reading  in Google Classroom

Epic Reading

Go to epic by clicking Epic at the bottom. Use the class code zwh2483
Then find your name and click on it. You need to go to your messages up at the right corner. You have assigned reading and a quiz you need to be working on.  You need to be reading 15 minutes EVERY class period. I can see time.


Tuesday: Argumentative Text Unit Test in Google Classroom

Tuesday: Argumentative Text Unit Test

Log on to endophoria and take your unit test.


Monday: Review for Test  in Google Classroom

Monday: Review for Test

You will have a test tomorrow. It will be open notes. Please use the practice to make sure that you have everything that you need in your notebook.
1. First Read the Time for Kid article below.
2. Answer the google form about it.
3. Review the answers and add anything you need to to your notes.
4. Then click turn in assignment in google classroom.


Monday Video in Google Classroom

Monday Video


Topic and Link in Google Classroom

Topic and Link

Topics: You will have to find facts that support your opinion.
1. Should there be year round school?
2. Should schools give homework?
3. Should there be uniforms?
4. Should kids be allowed to vote?

Use this to search: www.kiddle.com


Friday: authors claim and fact and opinion in Google Classroom

Friday: authors claim and fact and opinion


Friday: Answer Sheet in Google Classroom

Friday: Answer Sheet


What is an author's claim?  in Google Classroom

What is an author's claim?

Watch the video and read the before, during, and after reading to help you know how to read argumentive texts and what an author's claim is.


Wednesday: Argumentative Text practice in Google Classroom

Wednesday: Argumentative Text practice

Please read or listen to the text in the link below. Then answer the questions in the quiz. Do BOTH before turning in the work.


Tuesday: Informational Unit Test in Google Classroom

Tuesday: Informational Unit Test

Please go to Eduphoria and take the informational test (the link is in the helpful links tab). If you have any difficulty, please email me.


Monday: Review  in Google Classroom

Monday: Review

Please use the strategies we have been learning to answer the questions about the text. You have read and answered theses questions before, but many did not take enough time. See if you can get a better score with this retry.


Thursday’s Question in Google Classroom

Thursday’s Question

What is the central message of your nonfiction book? Please be sure to write the title of your book and write in complete sentences.
Watch the video attached first.


Friday: Escape the Zoo in Google Classroom

Friday: Escape the Zoo

You are going to be using a lot of critical thinking to figure out how to get out of the zoo. Look at what the person is saying, is anything bold, highlighted, or capitalized.
Hint: D=down, L=left, R=right, and U for up (it is case sensitive)

Please attach a picture or screenshot of your congratulations after you complete the escape room on the google doc below.


Monday:  in Google Classroom


1. Listen to studies Weekly 20 and take the test
2. Click on the link to join Khan academy


Wednesday is a  Benchmark!! in Google Classroom

Wednesday is a Benchmark!!

You need to be at school at 8:30 on Wednesday to take your reading benchmark for reading. You will be in a small group of 5 or less and be spread out.


Thursday: Lost and Found Think Along Plan in Google Classroom

Thursday: Lost and Found Think Along Plan

Please read the article carefully, answer the question and put the answer in the box, and then explain why each answer choice is right or wrong.

Remember: You need to do your studies weekly quiz as well!


Wednesday: Fact and Opinion in Google Classroom

Wednesday: Fact and Opinion

Please look through the PowerPoint and play the game. Make sure that you understand what fact and opinions are. To open it, you need to click on open with, then google slides, and finally push present.


Tuesday: Cause and Effect in Google Classroom

Tuesday: Cause and Effect

Please go through the PowerPoint to learn about cause and effect. Then try the practice questions. You should have listened to studies Weekly 19, now please take the quiz.


Monday: Informational Text practice in Google Classroom

Monday: Informational Text practice

Please do the google form, read, and answer the question. When you are done listen to studies weekly 19.


Tuesday in Google Classroom


Tuesday is another snow day. Please make sure that you have your snow day packet done and turned in. Stay warm and safe!


Monday-Snow Day in Google Classroom

Monday-Snow Day

This is a packet that you need to complete to be counted as present Monday, February 15. The packet has what you need for ALL your classes.


Wednesday Practice Finding test features in Google Classroom

Wednesday Practice Finding test features

Please click on the google document, read and fill it out, and when you are done turn the assignment. If you turn it in before you write, I cannot see anything.


Tuesday Informational Text comprehension in Google Classroom

Tuesday Informational Text comprehension


Monday’s Video in Google Classroom

Monday’s Video


Poem Unit test in Google Classroom

Poem Unit test

please go back and do your poem Unit test on Eduphoria.


Tuesday’s Video in Google Classroom

Tuesday’s Video


Wednesday’s Video in Google Classroom

Wednesday’s Video


Thursday Poem Test in Google Classroom

Thursday Poem Test

Please log on to Eduphoria and take the Poem Unit test. You can review your materials before the test, but you need to do it on your own once you start the test. An adult may read the directions only.
This needs to be done by Friday night.


Famous Person Project in Google Classroom

Famous Person Project

Please fill out the google doc. to create a poster about your person.


Swoop Context Clue in Google Classroom

Swoop Context Clue


Monday’s Video in Google Classroom

Monday’s Video


Tuesday Famous Person in history in Google Classroom

Tuesday Famous Person in history

Read the article and answer the questions.


Monday Poem Work in Google Classroom

Monday Poem Work


Friday Open note Quiz in Google Classroom

Friday Open note Quiz


MAPS Testing Thursday in Google Classroom

MAPS Testing Thursday

All you have to do today is click done when you finished MAPS testing.


Context Clue: Dangle in Google Classroom

Context Clue: Dangle

Please fill out the context clue page.


Monday: Unit Test on Eduphoria in Google Classroom

Monday: Unit Test on Eduphoria

Username: two zeros and then lunch number
Password: ndlions

Please make sure you do this my the end of the day on Wednesday.

This week we will not be doing studies weekly instead we will be working on a history report which you will get more information about tomorrow.


Context Clue  in Google Classroom

Context Clue


Friday Open Note Quiz in Google Classroom

Friday Open Note Quiz

REMINDER: Due 1-15 by the end of the day:
Studies weekly 14 highlighting and Quiz
Main Idea task cards


Thursday’s Video in Google Classroom

Thursday’s Video


Wednesday’s Video in Google Classroom

Wednesday’s Video


Wednesday’s Video in Google Classroom

Wednesday’s Video


Thursday's Work in Google Classroom

Thursday's Work

1. Finish Studies Weekly 14 and Quiz
2. Do the Mentoring Minds Unit 1 pre-assessment (this is different that the diagnostic test). It is only four questions.
3. Do the Main Idea Task Cards (record on a paper). Only do cards1-26 and do not skip any even if the card says.
4.Then enter what you recorded on the main Idea google form.


Main Idea Google Form in Google Classroom

Main Idea Google Form

Enter your answers for your main idea task cards here.
Only do cards1-26 and do not skip any even if the card says.


Context Clue: Ambition  in Google Classroom

Context Clue: Ambition

Make sure to watch Wednesday's video and finish listening, underlining, and taking the Studies weekly 14 Quiz.


Context Clue: Ambition  in Google Classroom

Context Clue: Ambition

Make sure to watch Wednesday's video and finish listening, underlining, and taking the Studies weekly 14 Quiz.


January 5-8th Work in Google Classroom

January 5-8th Work

The first four pages are daily work. You should be doing one section a day and then Find the Text Evidence on Friday. The other pages we will be practicing how to break apart stories and use our strategies.


Open note quiz in Google Classroom

Open note quiz

Make sure you are working on highlighting Studies weekly 14 and then take the test.


Open note quiz in Google Classroom

Open note quiz

Make sure you are working on highlighting Studies weekly 14 and then take the test.


Thursday’s Directions in Google Classroom

Thursday’s Directions

1. Go to the helpful links and click on the link to mentoring minds.
username: four digit lunch code
password: ndlions
2. Click on assignment after you are logged in
3. Click on diagnostic test and then launch
4. The test should be all set up and you can start it. You will have to submit your test for me to see it.

5. Do your daily work (reading log and throwback Thursday)
6. Make sure you are working on studies weekly 13
You have to highlight AND take the quiz


Monday’s Video in Google Classroom

Monday’s Video


Tuesday’s Video in Google Classroom

Tuesday’s Video


December 14th-17th work in Google Classroom

December 14th-17th work

Please get the work that is attached done by Friday afternoon as all grades are do then.


Family Traditions  in Google Classroom

Family Traditions

Please fill out the document below and tell me three holiday traditions you have. Be sure to be specific about what exactly you do. Do you enjoy them? How did they start?


I took my Unit test on Eduphoria and finished Studies Weekly 12 and the Studies Weekly Test! in Google Classroom

I took my Unit test on Eduphoria and finished Studies Weekly 12 and the Studies Weekly Test!


December 15th Video in Google Classroom

December 15th Video


Unit 3A Test  in Google Classroom

Unit 3A Test

You need to take Unit 3A Test by Thursday night. This is how you will receive credit for Wednesday. The test will close Friday morning.

Username: two zeros then lunch number
Password: ndlions


December 14th Video in Google Classroom

December 14th Video

Please watch the video before trying to do Wonders or mentoring minds.

Remember to do studies weekly 12 by Friday as well.


Wonders' pages 115-116 in Google Classroom

Wonders' pages 115-116

Please read the instructions on page 114 and then fill out the graphic organizer on page 115. You need three SPECIFIC details or clues that helped you figure out the author's purpose.
On page 116, please write three sentences about how the author helped you understand that every vote counts. The purple/pink box on the right side give you sentence starters if you want them.

This is due by the end of Monday.


1. What is another word that could be used in the place for the word "glisten"?
2. Use the word "glisten" in a sentence.
3.What does the word "sentimental" mean?
 in Google Classroom

1. What is another word that could be used in the place for the word "glisten"? 2. Use the word "glisten" in a sentence. 3.What does the word "sentimental" mean?

Please answer the questions about, "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree." Use complete sentences and number you answers.

Reminder: Do studies weekly week 11


1. Who is the main character of the song?
2. List two character traits for Frosty. in Google Classroom

1. Who is the main character of the song? 2. List two character traits for Frosty.

Please answer the two questions about the "Frosty the Snowman" song. Please be sure to write in complete sentences and number your answers


1. What does "dashing" mean in Jingle Bells?
2. What do you think, "making spirits bright" means in Jingle Bells?
 in Google Classroom

1. What does "dashing" mean in Jingle Bells? 2. What do you think, "making spirits bright" means in Jingle Bells?

Please write in complete sentences and number you answers like I numbered the questions. I attached the song if you would like to listen to it.


Week 15 packet of work in Google Classroom

Week 15 packet of work

Please slowly work on this throughout the week. Make sure that you are watching the videos and taking notes that you can use for the assignments. As part of the video, I will put up a vocabulary word that we will be working on all week. Make sure you answer the question and watch the video.
Remember that online learners are a day behind, so you will do Monday on Tuesday and keep going from there.


Please use revive in a sentence. in Google Classroom

Please use revive in a sentence.


Ask your parents to read the instructions and answer the question.
Will you be coming to do your benchmark on Monday or Wednesday? in Google Classroom

Ask your parents to read the instructions and answer the question. Will you be coming to do your benchmark on Monday or Wednesday?

Benchmark Test:
We will have the computer lab available for them to take their benchmarks up here at school. Their testing days will Dec. 7th and Dec. 10th, both tests will be taken on one day. They need to be here from 8:45-8:50 to get settled in. If they are an online tester b/c of accommodations they will need to bring headphones, pencil, a snack, a water bottle. They can bring a lunch, or one will be provided for them. We just need to know for the lunch count. (If they are quarantined, they CAN NOT come.)

I need to know as soon as possible, please show your parents.
Mrs. Barnett


December 3rd Video in Google Classroom

December 3rd Video

Watch the video, do the daily questions, take the studies weekly 10 test, and work on your packet pages.


Context clue and question of the day for December 2 in Google Classroom

Context clue and question of the day for December 2

Context clue: write one synonym and one antonym for revive
Question: How does the sequence of a story help you understand it?


December 2nd video in Google Classroom

December 2nd video

Please watch the video, then do the question, and start studies weekly week. Make sure that you highlight important information in studies weekly to receive full credit.


Tuesday’s video and quesion in Google Classroom

Tuesday’s video and quesion

Make sure you watch the video and do the context clue.


Monday’s Video in Google Classroom

Monday’s Video

Please watch the video, and begin working on the packet for this week.


Reading 2C Unit test in Google Classroom

Reading 2C Unit test

Student Login URL

Please take the test by Monday morning.


Review your figurative language notes in Google Classroom

Review your figurative language notes

Review your figurative language notes if you have them or rewatch the videos from last week before taking the test


November 9-12th Work in Google Classroom

November 9-12th Work

Please do two pages a day of this packet. Make you turn it in by Friday night. I added the instructions for Kami and how to set it up if you are having any trouble.


Wednesday's Video in Google Classroom

Wednesday's Video

Watch this video on what a plot is and how it shapes a story. Take notes if you need to, remember you can pause the video to make sure you have time. After you watch the video, please go ahead and take this weeks quiz.


October 11th quiz in Google Classroom

October 11th quiz

Please make sure that you watched Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday's video before taking the quiz. You can use any notes that you took and you can have an adult read directions, but they cannot help you. That is what your notes are for!


Tuesday's Video in Google Classroom

Tuesday's Video

Here is an informational song about settings and how it is so important to a story. Take notes if you need to, as you will have an open note quiz tomorrow


Monday's Video in Google Classroom

Monday's Video

This week we will be working on the parts of a story. Today we are working on character traits. Please watch the video and take notes if you need to. There will be an open note quiz on Wednesday.


October 26-30th Work packet in Google Classroom

October 26-30th Work packet

Please complete the assignment by using Kami. This will allow you to write and type all over the text. Please let me know if the extension does not work for you. I would like to start using it, as it would be much easier for the students to work with.
This will be do by Monday November 2. This gives some wiggle room for you to play with Kami or let me know if it is not working.
You will also have a daily question that you need to answer to be counted as present for that day.


Week 10 Packet in Google Classroom

Week 10 Packet

Please work a little on this each day, and have it turned in by Friday night.


Friday's Question:
Give one example of a metaphor. in Google Classroom

Friday's Question: Give one example of a metaphor.


Thursday in Google Classroom


Which one of the words below is a key word from your studies weekly reading?


Tuesday's Attendance Question: What is an inference? in Google Classroom

Tuesday's Attendance Question: What is an inference?


October 22 Unit 2B Test  in Google Classroom

October 22 Unit 2B Test

Go to the website below to take your unit test. When you are done click turn in for you attendance today.
Username: two zeros and then lunch number
Password: ndlions


October 20th Work no video in Google Classroom

October 20th Work no video

Please read weekly studies week 7 and do the wonders pages that are on the form.


October 15 Work in Google Classroom

October 15 Work


October 14th Work in Google Classroom

October 14th Work

Watch video and do the Studies weekly crossword puzzle.


October 12th Work in Google Classroom

October 12th Work

Please go to studies weekly and read AND highlight studies weekly week 5. Think about what is important to know for each section. When you are done please click turn in, but only when you have finished highlighting.


October 13th Work (No video) in Google Classroom

October 13th Work (No video)


October 8th Text Evidence in Google Classroom

October 8th Text Evidence

Open this in using Microsoft word or google doc. You can then change the color of the words by highlighting and clicking on the A.


October 8th Work in Google Classroom

October 8th Work

Please watch the video and read Flat Stanley before doing the work. Don't forget to do Studies Weekly week 5 test.


October 6th Find Text evidence in Google Classroom

October 6th Find Text evidence

If you are unable to underline in color, please write the sentence you found the answer below the question. If you open in google docs, it will turn it into a much easier format to work with. Then you can just change the words the color for the answer.


October 7th Work in Google Classroom

October 7th Work

Please watch the video and read Flat Stanley pages 36-42 before doing the work. Also, Don't forget to do Studies Weekly 5 questions.


October 6th Work in Google Classroom

October 6th Work

Please read Flat Stanley pages 31-35 and watch the video before doing the work.


October 5th Work (No video) in Google Classroom

October 5th Work (No video)

Please read AND highlight for studies weekly week 5, then fill out the work below.


October 2nd Work in Google Classroom

October 2nd Work

Please watch the video and read Flat Stanley before trying to do the work. Don't forget to do Studies Weekly week four test.


Thursday’s in Google Classroom



Thursday's Work in Google Classroom

Thursday's Work

Please read Flat Stanley pages 8-14 and watch the video before doing the work. Don't forget to do Studies Weekly week 4 crossword puzzle.


Wednesday's Work in Google Classroom

Wednesday's Work

Please read Flat Stanley and watch the video BEFORE doing the work.


Week 7 Wednesday’s video in Google Classroom

Week 7 Wednesday’s video


Tuesday’s Work in Google Classroom

Tuesday’s Work

Most of today was going through reading and underlining in Studies Weekly Week 4
You will need to read for ten minutes and write a personal connection you had with the book so far.


Thursday's Work Unit Test in Google Classroom

Thursday's Work Unit Test


Adobe Sparks Video Turn in in Google Classroom

Adobe Sparks Video Turn in

After you record your video, click share and then google classroom. click on my class and this assignment. That will turn it in so I can hear you read.


Last day to turn in ANY work. in Google Classroom

Last day to turn in ANY work.

Please go to adobe spark video and read the passage I have put for your work today.
You are not writing on it or answering questions. Just read the story while you hold down the red button in adobe sparks video. Then you can turn in the video to Google classroom.
The video to show you how to do it is in Thursday's Video.


Tuesday’s Video in Google Classroom

Tuesday’s Video


Monday's Work (No video) in Google Classroom

Monday's Work (No video)

Please fill out the google form and then listen or read studies weekly week three.


IMPORTANT  MUST READ in Google Classroom


Please show your parents. We are map testing tomorrow! You need to be on by 9:00 and it will be over by 12:00. You must be on at that time!


Friday's work (No Video) in Google Classroom

Friday's work (No Video)

The directions are in the slide.


Thursday's Work (No Video) in Google Classroom

Thursday's Work (No Video)

Directions are in the work.


Wednesday Work in Google Classroom

Wednesday Work

Directions are in the packet. Please submit on google classroom.


Wednesday’s Video in Google Classroom

Wednesday’s Video


Tuesday's Work in Google Classroom

Tuesday's Work

The directions are in the work packet. Please be sure to post work onto google classroom. You can attach pictures to the work if you would like.


Tuesday’s Video in Google Classroom

Tuesday’s Video


Tuesday's Work in Google Classroom

Tuesday's Work

Please do the work in the packet below. You also need to do the crossword puzzle for studies weekly.


Monday's Work week 5 (no video) in Google Classroom

Monday's Work week 5 (no video)

Today, you need to read all of week 2 studies weekly. You need to do the first three questions on the first page of Week 2.
Use the little bit of extra time to go back and redo an assignment that you did not do very well on. You can find grades by going to old assignments that say graded and clicking on them.
Please look at adobe spark video as well. We will use it Friday, so I want you to be familiar with it. You will need to make an account. This will allow me to hear you as you read. We will not be using it for anything else right now.


Friday's Work (no video) in Google Classroom

Friday's Work (no video)

Please read through the directions on the work page before doing the work.


Friday's Work in Google Classroom

Friday's Work

Fill out the questions. Then work on any work that you have not done. Progress reports are printed Monday.
You have to use a STUDENT email to do the form.


Thursday's Work week 4 in Google Classroom

Thursday's Work week 4

Please make sure you read the directions. A lot of work is coming back not done correctly.
Also, I have sent back a lot of work for you to look at. If you go to old work that you have submitted on google classroom. It will say "graded;" click and you will see comments and the grade. I also put comments on you work, so if you open the work back up, you will see some detailed comments to you.


Thursday’s Video in Google Classroom

Thursday’s Video


Wednesday’s Video in Google Classroom

Wednesday’s Video

Please watch before doing Wednesday’s work.


Wednesday work in Google Classroom

Wednesday work

Please carefully read all directions before doing the work.


Monday's Work Week 4 in Google Classroom

Monday's Work Week 4

You will need to go onto studies weekly to read the first part and answer some question. You also have to do your reading log and a sequence trifold. Please make sure that you are not just turning in work that is not complete.


Monday video in Google Classroom

Monday video


Thursday’s Work in Google Classroom

Thursday’s Work


Thursday’s video in Google Classroom

Thursday’s video

You will need to watch this video while you do the sequence quiz in Thursday’s work.


Wednesday’s Work in Google Classroom

Wednesday’s Work


Wednesday’s Work in Google Classroom

Wednesday’s Work


Tuesday's Work (no video) in Google Classroom

Tuesday's Work (no video)


Monday’s Video in Google Classroom

Monday’s Video


Monday's Work in Google Classroom

Monday's Work

Please watch the video first. The start to do Monday's work. Please look at the directions on page 10-11 in your Wonders book BEFORE trying to do the work.


Friday’s work (no video) in Google Classroom

Friday’s work (no video)

Read for fifteen minutes. After each page tell me something that happened or a question you have about it on the reading log. Then do the expectation questions.


Friday’s work (no video) in Google Classroom

Friday’s work (no video)

Read for fifteen minutes. After each page tell me something that happened or a question you have about it on the reading log. Then do the expectation questions.


Wednesday Work (No video today) in Google Classroom

Wednesday Work (No video today)

There is no video today. It is a review from yesterday. You will also do pages 6-7 in your Wonders workbook. You can send pictures of your work or fill out the questions in the assignment below.
Please don't forget to attach the work back before you turn it in or I won't see it.


Thursday’s Video week 2 in Google Classroom

Thursday’s Video week 2


Thursday’s Work in Google Classroom

Thursday’s Work

Please watch the video before doing the work. You will have to answer questions about the story I read. You are NOT doing the reflection on the goals page, just the month, goal, and plan.


Monday video in Google Classroom

Monday video


Tuesday Video in Google Classroom

Tuesday Video

Watch the video first then do the work.


Week 2 Tuesday's Work in Google Classroom

Week 2 Tuesday's Work

Watch the video first. Then do the work for Tuesday.


Monday's Work in Google Classroom

Monday's Work

Watch the video first. Then do the work.


Day five video and work in Google Classroom

Day five video and work

First watch the video and then do the work.


Day five video and work in Google Classroom

Day five video and work

First watch the video and then do the work.


Day 3 Video and Work in Google Classroom

Day 3 Video and Work


Day 4 video and activity in Google Classroom

Day 4 video and activity

Watch the video and then answer the questions and read.


Day 4 video and activity in Google Classroom

Day 4 video and activity

Watch the video and then answer the questions and read.


First Week of School Get to know you work in Google Classroom

First Week of School Get to know you work


Visualizing Practice Day 2 in Google Classroom

Visualizing Practice Day 2

After you watch the video, please answer the following questions.


First Day Jitters Question in Google Classroom

First Day Jitters Question

First watch the video of me reading the First Day Jitters and then answer the questions.